„The great Way is gateless, approached in a thousand ways.“- Wumen Huikai
For me there really was no gate, rather a trap door I fell into head first.
I came to Antaiji for November Sesshin, with no intention to stay. I had no expectations and no image of Antaiji in my head.
Like this, I stumbled into the Here and Now and found a place where life is tough but real; simple and abundant.
Here is Samu, Zazen, cooking and eating, reading, washing, cleaning. Rain and sunshine, cold wind and hot baths. I am also here but that doesn‘t matter at all, I am just equally as important as everything else.
This winter will be studying (especially 日本語). There really isn‘t much more to say, I just know that I have so much to learn, so I better get to it. Today is Hosan, which means there is enough time to do many things.
Endless gratitude in every moment I get to be here.