I have returned to Australia after two and a half months at Antaiji.
I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to stay and hope to return either next year
or the year after.
I thank the sangha for their kindness towards me and the inclusive, non judgemental
attitude – given the age difference.
What particularly struck me in my visit this time, was just how much planning and
organising goes in to keeping Antaiji functioning and providing for the sangha from year to
year. There is nothing ad hoc about the activities and work which the sangha and guests
participate in. The full time residents really do make everything tick along, and the many
jobs ‘behind the scenes’ are essential but also strong practice.
Docho-san’s guidance and teaching will remain with me.
Here’s a photo looking out my kitchen window – things just want to grow, including weeds.
I have plenty of work to do out there once the rain stops. However, it’s given me a perfect
opportunity to get some good rest after the long trip back home.