

Temple of Peace

A day in the life of Antaiji (September 2010)

3:45 Wake up!

3:50 Ten minutes for a pee, brushing your teeth and getting your face wet.

3:55 Settling into zazen

6:10 Breakfast, finally

6:40 Temple cleaning (traditional style)

6:50 Temple cleaning (modern style)

7:00 The chicken barn

7:05 The hens are waiting for their breakfast

7:23 Getting dressed for work

7:30 Work meeting

7:42 Samu!

8:00 Jido fells a tree...

8:15 ...Christian moves it

8:30 ...Kubota and the abbot cut it to pieces

8:45 ...Christian chops away

9:00 ...Firewood

9:55 Time for a...

10:00 Break!

10:05 The magical 15 minutes...

10:30 The cook gets busy

10:30 Fire

10:40 Old school pressure cooker

10:50 Meanwhile, in the vegetable field

11:00 Alex planting chinese cabbage

11:58 The field workers return to the kitchen

11:59 The wood cutters return to the kitchen

12:00 Yummy!

12:15 "Quiet, speedy, efficient."

12:30 One

12:30 Not two

12:30 Not three

12:30 Luftmensch Brendan, noon.

13:00 Engines get going again

13:15 Cheap labour

13:30 A stonethrow away

14:00 Harvest

14:30 Alex heating the boiler

14:45 Threshed rice

15:00 At the end of a hard day

15:05 Relaxation

15:10 Monks and cats seem to mix particularly well

15:15 Susana and Ribon enjoy a quiet moment together

15:20 Hot!

15:30 Sign reading: Babes in the bath

15:45 Ribon found a new friend

16:00 The guys turn

16:55 Dinner all set

17:05 Serving food

17:15 Waiting for seconds

17:25 Doing dishes

17:29 Ready to go!

17:30 Tea meeting

17:35 Events of the day are discussed

17:38 ...and plans for the next day made

17:40 While knees start to hurt

17:40 A master in the lonely rice field

17:45 Responsibility

17:50 Stillness

17:52 Shelter

17:55 Within

18:00 We will share another two hours here

19:00 Only interrupted by 10 minutes of walking

19:10 Last zazen period

20:30 Feierabend!

21:00 Dead man

22:00 Peace

24:00 Luftmensch Brendan, midnight

All pictures by Bildmaschine.


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