Monthly Archives: November 2013

Jisui, Tsukan and Steffi are preparing tofu for the Rohatsu sesshin, November 30th 2013

Recipe can be found in our wiki:

FernOst Antaiji

Part of a German TV program, filmed in the early spring of 2013.

Tomorrow “White Rohatsu” will start, November 30th 2013

Goodbye to the film team and happy birthday to Steffi is celebrated with the first fire in our wood stove, November 25th 2013

Dam cleaning, November 24th 2013

Werner Penzel’s announcement at the Antaiji samu meeting, November 23rd 2013

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    My second visit to Ofunato and Rikuzen-Takada, November 22nd 2013

My second visit to Ofunato and Rikuzen-Takada, November 22nd 2013

On the 21st, I was invited to give a talk in Iwate Prefecture in Northern Japan. I used the opportunity to visit my friend Yoichiro Kashiwa, who lost his house in the Tsunami two and a half years ago.

Both the area in Ofunato where his house stood as well as the town of Rikuzen-Takada, just south of Ofunato, still look devasted. There are plans to raise the ground of the whole area by 2 to 5 meters, and build walls against the waves which are more than 10 meters high. I am afraid that even with that amount of effort, human beings will not win against nature.

Work and break time, November 18th 2013

Preparations for the winter and rice-pounding in Kutoyama, November 17th 2013

Interview on a sunny November day, November 14th 2013